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Shipping & returns

Shipping Policy

All items will be shipped to your specified delivery address at the time of order. We cannot accept PO Box addresses. You will be advised of freight costs, if applicable, at the time of purchase. It will take approximately 3-5 weeks for the devices to arrive as they are sent from the US. You will be notified if longer delivery times are expected.

Returns Policy
Our returns policy is in addition to your rights under the Australian Consumer Law or Consumer Guarantees Act (NZ). Unfortunately, we cannot offer a change of mind refund on mpsGO devices. These items can be replaced if they are faulty within the warranty period.

Our products come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law or Consumer Guarantees Act (NZ). You are entitled to a replacement within 12 months of purchase if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality.


Contact customer support at +61 1300 005 462 or (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm AEST) for remote assistance with your Happen EKM monitor and mpsGO device. If we deem the device faulty within the warranty period, we will provide postage details to return the device to us for replacement.

If you have any questions about your purchase, please contact us at:

  • By email: and you will receive an answer within 3 business days
  • By phone: +61 1300 005 462 (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm AEST)

